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Laser Bacterial Reduction

Laser Bacterial Reduction

Laser Bacterial Reduction

The mouth-body link has recently received a lot of attention. Your body's health is correlated with the condition of your gums, which are a breeding ground for several hazardous germs. 

When you brush your teeth, bacteria have a means to enter your bloodstream, which could perhaps lead to issues in an unwell body. In the majority of situations where we are aware of the health condition, we administer an antibiotic prophylaxis to guard against the slim risk that this will happen. 

A patient will not be aware of any risks if they are unaware of any issues. 

Before cleaning the teeth, we decontaminate the sulcus to lessen the likelihood of this occurrence. This takes an additional five minutes and can be done with a laser before cleaning. It can be done without local anesthetic and is incredibly painless.

Please talk to your hygienist if you're interested in LBR prior to your cleaning.

As it relates more to your overall health, it is not typically a covered benefit under most plans, but we think it is a significant advantage of hiring a professional cleaner.