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Periodontal Disease

"Around the tooth" is what the word periodontal means. The gums and bone that support the teeth are both affected by periodontal disease. A sticky layer of food particles, bacteria, and saliva is known as plaque. Plaque transforms into calculus (tartar) if it is not eliminated. If plaque and calculus are not cleared away, they start to erode the bone and gums.

The symptoms of periodontal disease include red, swollen, and bleeding gums. Four out of five people are unaware of their periodontal condition!

Because the condition is typically painless in its early stages, the majority of people are unaware of it.

Research indicates that there may be a connection between periodontal disease and other illnesses like stroke, bacterial pneumonia, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and increased risk during pregnancy, in addition to the fact that it is the leading cause of tooth loss.

Researchers are investigating whether the bacteria and inflammation linked to periodontal disease have an impact on these systemic illnesses and ailments.

Periodontal disease is also more likely in smokers. Periodontal disease can be prevented with good oral care, a healthy diet, and routine dental appointments.

Periodontal disease symptoms and signs include:

✓ Gums that bleed when you brush them or use dental floss are not healthy.

✓ Loss of bone or weakened periodontal fibers, which hold the tooth to the bone, can also lead to loose teeth.

✓ Bone loss is the reason for the new space between teeth.

✓ Bacteria in the mouth are to blame for persistent bad breath.

✓ Pus on the gums and around the teeth is a sign of an infection.

✓ Gum loss surrounding a tooth is referred to as "recessing gums.

✓ Gums that are red and swollen are never healthy.

✓ Plaque, calculus, and germs irritate the gums and teeth, causing tenderness or discomfort.