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Veneers are extremely thin pieces of strong, tooth-shaped porcelain. For a beautiful and attractive smile, they are cemented onto the front of the teeth.Your teeth and smile can be completely altered by veneers. They are frequently the best option for treating numerous dental issues and providing alternatives to crowns.Veneers are not permanent, like the majority of dental restorations, and may eventually require replacement. You will have a beautiful, long-lasting smile thanks to their high durability and long lifespan.

Reason for porcelain veneers:
- Aesthetically, to produce a perfect, white smile.
- Deformed teeth
- Crooked teeth
- Teeth that are severely stained or discolored
- Teeth that are overly big or too tiny
- Unwanted or uneven gaps
- Broken or worn teeth

What is involved in getting porcelain veneers?

Veneers are typically applied over the course of two sessions, with little to no anesthetic being necessary. To prepare the teeth, the surface is softly buffed and shaped to accommodate the veneer's thickness. A digital impression of the teeth is made, and you and the dentist will then decide on a shade (color).

The teeth will be machined in the office, and tried in for fit and contour. To ensure a strong bond, the veneers will be cleaned using specialized solvents. After placing bonding cement between the tooth and veneer, a specialized light beam is used to set and harden the bond.

You will receive veneer care instructions. Your new veneers will last longer if you care for them properly with brushing, flossing, and frequent dental appointments.